SOYO Youth Ministry

As a new and growing group, we strive to stay active in the church. As Orthodox Youth, we must always remember to focus our lives on Christ and live our lives as children of God! This is accomplished by offering our talents to Him through His community. We must also have fun while balancing all the work we do for the Lord. We have many events and activities that encourage our youth to grow both in their spiritual lives and their lives away from the parish.

Youth Director: Vacant

Weekly Liturgical Services


  • 6:00pm Midweek Liturgy followed by Potluck Dinner



  • 4:30pm Catechism Class
  • 4:30pm Choir Practice
  • 5:45pm 9th Hour and Great Vespers



  • 8:45am Orthros
  • 10:00am Divine Liturgy
  • 11:45am Coffee Hour and Sunday School

Upcoming Feasts and Events

Saturday February 22nd
Saturday of Souls

  • 8:45am Orthros
  • 10:00am Divine Liturgy


Sunday February 23rd

40 day Memorial for Nidal El Hariri offered on Sunday Feb 23 by the Moussa family and followed by a Mercy meal provided by the family