Our Ministries

Christian Education – Sunday School is just one way we’re bringing our kids up in the Orthodox Christian faith. Our Education Ministry Team aims to design events that are not only family-oriented and instructive, but fun!

Feeding the Homeless – From the earliest days of the Christian Church, the faithful have been called to help those around us in need. Working in conjunction with another Orthodox church, St. Basil has been putting our faith into action in a monthly meal for the homeless.

Mission and Outreach – Although we are still in the process of finishing up our church building and landscaping, we want to look forward to ways that we can reach out to those around us, both in the Orthodox and non-Orthodox communities.

Choir and Chanting – Our Orthodox liturgical music depends on the ministry of those who raise their voices in joyful song. The choir and chanters of St. Basil OC put the hymnody of the Church into music to awaken the mind and touch the heart.

Prayer Commemorations – Submit your commemorations.

Services for Week of Nativity through New Year

Wednesday December 18th

  • 6:00pm Liturgy for St. Ignatius the God-Bearer


Saturday December 21st

  • No Adult/Catechism Class until after the New Year
  • 4:30pm Choir Practice
  • 5:45pm 9th Hour and Great Vespers


Sunday December 22nd

  • 8:45am Orthros
  • 10:00am Divine Liturgy
  • 11:45am Coffee Hour
  • 1:30pm Children’s Nativity Play


Tuesday December 24th

  • 9:00am Royal Hours
  • 8:00pm Festal Orthros & Divine Liturgy followed by breaking of the Fast with Potluck and gifts for Baby Jesus


No Services on Wednesday, December 25 2024

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!


Saturday December 28th

  • No Adult/Catechism Class until after the New Year
  • 4:30pm Choir Practice
  • 5:45pm 9th Hour and Great Vespers


Sunday December 29th

  • 8:45am Orthros
  • 10:00am Divine Liturgy
  • 11:45am Coffee Hour


Tuesday December 31st

  • 5:45pm 9th Hour and Great Vespers


Wednesday January 1st Patronal Feast


  • 8:00am Pre-communion prayers
  • 8:45am Orthros & Divine Liturgy for Feast of St. Basil the Great followed by Vasilopita