Bookstore Ministry

The bookstore exists to serve the parish in many areas.  Numerous items are available ranging from books and music, to jewelry, prayer ropes, incense, soaps and more.  It is the primary goal of the bookstore to assist in providing the materials to meet the needs in the parish and also serve guests that visit.    

Groups we seek to serve:

Children – To provide books and toys to foster faith and love in our children and books regarding parenting and marriage for caregivers.

Catechumens –  To provide resources to help catechumens in their journey to baptism.

Enquirers – To provide resources  to those interested in learning more about Eastern Orthodoxy.

Faithful – To provide the faithful with all available resources and special orders to foster growth in the faith.

Guests – To give guests access to a large host of Eastern Orthodox resources.

The bookstore at Saint Basil’s is one of the best in the Kansas City metro for purchasing Eastern Orthodox resources.  We’re thankful to God to be able to provide the bookstore to the community.  Please stop by for a visit!


The bookstore is normally open after liturgy on Sunday mornings.  We occasionally are open on Wednesdays after liturgy and Saturdays at 3pm and after great Vespers.

Weekly Liturgical Services


  • 6:00pm Midweek Liturgy followed by Potluck Dinner



  • 4:30pm Catechism Class
  • 4:30pm Choir Practice
  • 5:45pm 9th Hour and Great Vespers



  • 8:45am Orthros
  • 10:00am Divine Liturgy
  • 11:45am Coffee Hour and Sunday School

Upcoming Feasts and Events

Saturday February 22nd
Saturday of Souls

  • 8:45am Orthros
  • 10:00am Divine Liturgy


Sunday February 23rd

40 day Memorial for Nidal El Hariri offered on Sunday Feb 23 by the Moussa family and followed by a Mercy meal provided by the family